Are you feeling it too? Mental Health and Romance.

Two’s HQ we are mad for mental health. This mental health week we’ve been taking the time to read up on some of the amazing content posted online offering advice and support to anyone struggling with their mental health (which the world health organisation says will be 1 in 4 of us in our lifetime). One article in particular caught our eye because it spotlights mental health in romantic relationships

This is something that we as relationship aficionados, feel has been vastly overlooked. Supporting and loving someone through their mental illness has a huge impact on a romantic relationship. Research has found a definitive link between one partner having a mental illness and the other partner also suffering from a mental illness.

On top of this partners who care for a spouse with a mental illness present with signs of burnout exactly as nursing staff in psychiatric hospitals do. Often this is the case because the care-giver overlooks their own needs and prioritizes their partners, a routine which can only last so long.

So, what to do if you find yourself loving and supporting, and possibly struggling in a relationship where you partner has mental health issues.These 11 tips are ones to truly consider. Written by a man who himself struggled with mental demons, as did his wife, the article offers practical advice as well as hope. Our favourite tip is “Love Beyond The Labels”

Battling mental health is scary. Facing the struggle is brave.It is important to remember that this experience does not define you or your relationship.

For further support check the info below:

St. Patricks Mental Health Services 01) 2493333 or


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